I hate this distinction.
Saying "unnatural" somehow implies all the PU theories work.
I think there's only naturals. How can one be an "unnatural"?
It's all natural game. I hate the way this is used as a marketing tool.
It's one concept that hasn't been tackled on here, as far as I'm aware.
there are guys who have more succes with women than others. this is due to many factors, but one factor really is game.
but it isnt alls black and white. pu gurus use the term to kill the self esteem of their clients, because most clients dont see themselves as naturals, and because they only see black and white, they think they are afcs.
also pu gurus use the term if someone tells them, that there are plenty of guys who dont need pu. pu gurus then say, that this is only true for naturals, as if naturals whe superhuman ans there were no guys beetwen complete natural and complete afc.
This post is beyond fucking retarded.
Naturals are guys who realize they could talk to girls.
Not ALL pua theories doesnt work.
Take for example, the pua theory that you must talk to girls if you want to get laid. This theory is absolutely true.
This nit picking shit is pathetic and annoying.
im gonna drink a beer.... another beer. another beer.another beer. another 1 after that.then 2 more beers.some whiskey...some shots...another beer. another beer....a margarita and then another beer.
Does that make me a natural?
You didn't answer my question... I said does that make me a natural
Your not paying attention, listen to me you stupid redkneck tralior trash forest gump retard
Does me drinking lots... and lots of beer.. make me a natural?
What?..... answer the damn question!
Shut your mouth!
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I should have worded it "there's no such fucking thing as naturals and unnaturals, just guys that get laid and guys that don't get laid".
"naturals" vs "unnaturals" is an non-existent divide in
I'd call an unnatural someone who's stuck in their fucking head and acts weird and gets laid occasionally.
A natural is just a normal guy who goes out with his friends, has some beers, chats some girls up, and if he gets good after a while, may get one lay a month aggregately over a year, but has some good months when he cashes in on maybe 3-4 and averages out about 20 lays a year.
So (contradicting myself in the same post) there is a difference, but not in the way PU companies state it to be.
Of course there's naturals. I know this dude who is 18 and good looking, very social, lots of friends, etc. I've also got a cousin with a little boy, maybe 2 and he's already very cool, he doesn't act like a baby, he acts like a cool dude. Natural is a personality thing. I've noticed that most cool guys have older brothers and sisters who they learned from.
Some people are born artistic, some mathematical, some social and cool, I.E. Naturals.
To me, being a 'natural' means that you do what you do naturally.
So whether or not you can pull chicks, either way you're still a natural.
It's natural for me to go out and not pick up chicks because it's in my nature, it's what I do naturally - repel women.
If I suddenly started to attract chicks and pick them up it would be 'unnatural' because it would contradict what I have been
doing naturally all my life.
It's bad enough that people claim to be able to teach 'routine-based game', but what's worse is that people (RSD) claim to be able to teach 'natural game'.
This is just complete and utter bullshit. I mean if you were to 'teach' someone a 'natural' method in anything, all you'd be doing is encouraging them to step up doing what they do anyway.
My old room mate is what i called a "natural". Over 400 lays in his life, good looking and very seductive with the ladies.
He's more than "just going out and have a beer" getting lay kind of guy. He's VERY calibrated and know how to turns a girl on.
In fact, now that i think about it, i have TWO black room mate who are naturals in my life. Seem like all black guys are naturals.
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Yes, they can have any white woman
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True, but there are huge minuses on being black, too. But if I could choose to be a black sexy man with ok money, I would probably choose that.
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Just out of interest, did he also fuck girls that were not so attractive? I've noticed that when guys rack up large numbers, they also tend to be less pick, though there are many attractive girls that they do fuck.
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I saw a picture of you in another thread. You're really cute
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He fucks both ugly and hot ones. However, i'm not an arrogant delusional bastard. I realize to the core he has wayy better game than me. Whatever mistakes i made, i asked him and his advice is spot on!
In fact, his advice is the opposite of community guys. I dont even know why i put in more effort to hangout with community guys back then than encourage him to go out clubbing with me. That was fucking stupid.
I think natural is a silly word to use. In reality it is nature and nurture.
Of course nature plays a part: good looks, tendency towards extroversion, height, good physique when younger (less likely to get picked on etc), high testosterone levels etc
Some guys just have very favourable upbringings. Probably they were popular at school, good at sports, had parents who showed them a lot of affection and love, didn't have any traumatic experiences growing up etc etc
I think every man can make improvements in their love life....but you can't go from zero to hero in less than a year like the PUAs say.
Maybe over five years you could go from dating 5s to dating 8s. That sounds like a sort of realistic goal if you work really hard and achieve some success in your career etc. ....
I've met guys throughout my life, with the same status as me, at college, work etc. Average looking, not particularly interesting, but successful with women. They tend to be selfish, ignorant, mouthy and bad people to be friends with. They exist. Actually their existence accounts for the success of PU. They are proof that some non-obvious behaviour can attract women. The gurus can get away without providing evidence, because the clients have already seen it.
Tall, extroverted, sporty guys have advantages, thats not the same thing.
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You're not lying, you just suck.
You'd lose a girl to anyone. Even an Asian midget.
you can be unnatural when you don't "do your thing" but try to follow a structure/method/concept/attitude offered to you by someone else. in which case it is impossible for your intuition to grow and for your true self to evolve and become attractive. you just keep sticking to someone else's method/attitude in hope that somehow it will grow on you too. that's being unnatural. which is always done by choice by the way.